Ce BLOG regroupe les informations sur le projet du Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM), surtout des sources mediatiques mais aussi d'autres sources. A resource for groups and residents of neighboorhoods surrounding the Glen Yards site, this BLOG is bilinqual but not translated. Ce BLOG est bilingue mais pas traduit.
October 31, 2011
Labour law sparks threats, vandalism, walkouts Allegations of intimidation swirl as Liberal politician says 'mud and feces' thrown at his door
Construction workers stage second day of wildcat strikes
MUHC superhospital held up by labour unrest
McGill secures second injunction against striking workers
McGill University seeks broader picket restrictions
McGill staff set up picket at hospital site
October 19, 2011
Le personnel des blocs opératoires crie à l'injustice
CUSM: un chantier gigantesque
Shriners will stay in Montreal 'forever' Ground broken on new hospital site
Glen Yards MUHC: On time and on schedule
Cedar Ave. clinicproject allowed to die Province declines to intervene
Shriners ready to break ground on new $150-million hospital
Getting the sick in Accessing the MUHC superhospital may not be easy for those who need it the most
Joint Corporate Campaign of the CHUM and the MUHC Foundations - National Bank Provides $8-Million Gift: The Largest in its History
Patient advocates help bridge the gap
Health board elections push for diversity
September 28, 2011
Critics question pedestrian access to MUHC superhospital
Ding dong, the wicked piling’s done at the MUHC site
Residents, McQueen take aim at dangerous intersection
Start-up group promotes cycle and pedestrian safety
Ikeman stands up for District 5 residents complaining about construction noise
September 27, 2011
Will insurance cover MUHC megahospital’s private rooms?
September 26, 2011
Users of busy Decarie/de Maisonneuve intersection vent frustration
Voie de détour pour 85 trains: une entente imminente
Gridlock: Invasion of the cones
Montréal investit des sommes records dans son PTI 2012-2014
Emergency services evolve at MUHC campus
St-Jacques reopening doesn't solve all merchants' woes
Réouverture de la sortie Saint-Jacques Ouest
Des soins à visage humain: L'oxygénation du réseau de la santé passe aussi par une revalorisation des hôpitaux de proximité
MUHC: Life-saving treatment isolated on third floor
MUHC: Tubes aid in logistics Pneumatic network for small objects
It has a finger in every pie Big construction; Can government afford to act?
It's as quiet as a hospital zone around the Glen Campus: Construction hiatus means 13 more days of relative tranquillity
Construction of superhospital inches forward
Work continues on Montreal’s highways
Glen Campus tendering process guarantees latest technology
Even the trains move for the MUHC superhospital
Transport Quebec needs to make changes: ex-traffic reporter
Improved air system will filter out bugs, keep contagious patients isolated
July 14, 2011
MUHC: A year into project, things are looking up
Council gives green light on sound barrier study
Read more: http://www.westmountexaminer.com/News/Local/2011-07-07/article-2638479/Council-gives-green-light-on-sound-barrier-study/1
We’re all seeing orange
Read more: http://www.westmountexaminer.com/Opinion/Editorials/2011-07-13/article-2650685/Were-all-seeing-orange/1
July 4, 2011
Faits saillants de la séance du conseil d'arrondissement de CDN—NDG du 27 juin 2011
New artist's rendering of hospital released
The original drawings of the mega-facility, available on the MUHC's website for about a year, did not include the Shriners hospital, seen in the new photo on the far right.
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/artist+rendering+hospital+released/5014847/story.html#ixzz1R9WnORkz
Road rage in montreal
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Road+rage+montreal/4984885/story.html#ixzz1R9W8Xmsv
Cranes to be dismantled once concrete slab on roof is poured
Since this column began last year, The Gazette has received many reader questions about the Glen campus construction site and the McGill University Health Centre's new facilities. This week, representatives from the MUHC and the construction consortium were asked to answer some of your questions. Here's what they had to say: ...
MUHC: Project keeps 'all professionals' in one place
MUHC plans "good neighbour" meeting June 14
Organized by the MUHC’s Good Neighbourly Relations Committee, the public meeting will be held next Tuesday, June 14 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the project office of the Glen Campus construction site, 1051 Decarie Boul., south of de Maisonneuve Boulevard.
Aluminum giant Rio Tinto pledges $10M to hospitals
Glen will house ambulances in special areas
The architects who designed the McGill University Health Centre's new Glen campus were fully aware of that fact when they began sketching the plans for the facility's emergency transport systems. Ensuring that critically ill patients get where they need to go - and fast - has been a major priority from the start.
Ambulances will be able to access the Glen through three entrances; two along Décarie Blvd. and one off St. Jacques St. Those are the same entrances that will be used by all vehicles entering the site, said Pierre Major, the MUHC's associate director of construction and redevelopment.
Building public infrastructure for the future
Glen campus will have eight 'cancer bunkers'
These rooms, each eight metres by eight metres, will house large, sophisticated machines that use targeted ionizing radiation to destroy cancer cells in a patient's body. The treatment, commonly known as radiotherapy, involves aiming radiation beams at a tumour from several angles, explained William Parker, a medical physicist at the MUHC.
May 25, 2011
City, province seek traffic de-snarler
MUHC isn't going to knock it off anytime soon
Garbage control rethought for new buildings
May 24, 2011
Public Consultation on New Expansion Project for Montreal General Hospital
Reed Construction Data
Le projet du futur CHUM obtient une cote de crédit inférieure à celui du CUSM
The CHUM and MUHC Foundations Joint Corporate Campaign - The J. Armand Bombardier Foundation makes the largest healthcare donation in its history $8 M
Normand Rinfret, associate executive director and chief operating officer of the McGill University Health Centre, expressed his gratitude: "By allocating this historic gift to health and research, the J. Armand Bombardier Foundation is confirming that the way forward for Montreal and Quebec cannot be mapped out without a firm commitment to the life sciences. I applaud the decision of the J. Armand Bombardier Foundation to focus on leadership and innovation in health."
Relaxing, healing green space vital part of MUHC Glen Campus project
Ville de Montréal : Les faits saillants du comité exécutif du 11 mai 2011
Montréal, CNW Telbec 13 mai, 2011. Infrastructures Le comité exécutif a autorisé les dossiers suivants pour que les citoyens puissent bénéficier d'infrastructures performantes. Ceux-ci doivent être entérinés par le conseil municipal : un contrat de 2,3 M$ $ à Louisbourg SBC, s.e.c., division Simard-Beaudry Construction pour la construction d'un remblai pour la déviation temporaire des voies ferrées du Canadien Pacifique surplombant le boulevard Décarie au nord de la rue Crowley et au sud du boulevard De Maisonneuve dans le cadre du projet du CUSM-Site Glen. Par le fait même, le CE a pris connaissance du rapport de la Commission permanente sur l'examen des contrats sur ce dossier, qui constate la conformité du processus d'appel d'offres tenu dans le cadre de celui-ci.