Ce BLOG regroupe les informations sur le projet du Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM), surtout des sources mediatiques mais aussi d'autres sources. A resource for groups and residents of neighboorhoods surrounding the Glen Yards site, this BLOG is bilinqual but not translated. Ce BLOG est bilingue mais pas traduit.
October 31, 2011
Labour law sparks threats, vandalism, walkouts Allegations of intimidation swirl as Liberal politician says 'mud and feces' thrown at his door
Vancouver Sun, 26 October 2011 -- The explosive feud over job placements in the Quebec construction industry became nastier Tuesday as the Liberal presiding over the hearings on a proposed bill to limit union powers reported feces was spread on his office door overnight.Allegations of intimidation also continued to swirl Tuesday as the Quebec Construction Commission reported it had received more than 60 complaints from contractors, workers, and project managers about intimidation and illegal union activities following Monday's wildcat strikes.
Construction workers stage second day of wildcat strikes
Ctvmontreal.ca, 25 October 2011 -- For the second day in a row, construction workers are continuing a so-called spontaneous and unorganized strike Tuesday at construction sites across Quebec. Once again members of the Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ) showed up at their job sites before dawn, and once again they refused to work, as did workers who belong to the Conseil provincial du Quebec des metiers de la construction (CPQMCI).
MUHC superhospital held up by labour unrest
Ctvmontreal.ca, 24 October 2011 -- Construction workers walked off the job at numerous sites across Quebec as a dispute between the Quebec government and construction unions quickly escalated Monday.The workers are protesting proposed legislation that would prevent unions from dictating which employees are allowed to work on job sites.
McGill secures second injunction against striking workers
The McGill Daily, 22 October 2011 -- McGill has secured a second injunction against the striking McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA), restricting the union’s ability to picket outside of senior administrators’ homes.
McGill University seeks broader picket restrictions
The Gazette, 21 October 2011 -- McGill University is to go before a Quebec Superior Court judge Thursday afternoon to seek another injunction to restrict protests by its striking support staff. However, according to McGill University spokeman Doug Sweet, the injunction request "has nothing to do" with pickets set up Thursday morning McGill University Health Centre's Glen Campus, a pressure tactic that halted construction of the MUHC hospital complex there.
McGill staff set up picket at hospital site
Cbc.ca, 20 October 2011 -- More than 300 striking members of McGill's support staff demonstrated in front of the MUHC construction site Thursday. More than 300 striking members of McGill's support staff demonstrated in front of the MUHC construction site Thursday. (Jay Turnbull/CBC).
October 19, 2011
Le personnel des blocs opératoires crie à l'injustice
Cyberpresse.ca, 13 octobre 2011 -- Les infirmières et inhalothérapeutes des blocs opératoires de la province estiment être traités injustement par le gouvernement. Depuis le printemps dernier, Québec verse une prime de soins critiques de 10% par année aux employés des urgences, des soins intensifs, de néonatalogie et de soins coronariens. Mais le personnel du bloc opératoire est exclu. Choquée par ce traitement, une inhalothérapeute du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Montréal (CHUM) a lancé une pétition pour corriger une situation qu'elle qualifie de «totalement injuste».
CUSM: un chantier gigantesque
Cyberpresse.ca, 12 octobre 2011 -- Il est 15h par un après-midi pluvieux de septembre. Sur le chantier de construction du futur Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM), à Montréal, c'est la cohue. La journée de travail se termine et les 500 travailleurs du chantier quittent les lieux dans un joyeux brouhaha.
Lancés en juillet 2010, les travaux de construction du futur CUSM, évalué à 2,2 milliards de dollars, vont bon train. Le chantier est gigantesque. Onze grues s'affairent. «Si on exclut les barrages et les stades, c'est le plus important chantier en bâtiments de l'histoire du Québec», lance le vice-président de SNC-Lavalin, Charles Chebl.
Shriners will stay in Montreal 'forever' Ground broken on new hospital site
Montrealgazette.com, October 14th 2011 -- Montreal’s new Shriners Hospital for Children will be more than twice the size of its existing building on Mount Royal and will have an entire floor devoted to research to attract the finest physician-scientists from around the world, Shriners said at a ground-breaking ceremony on Thursday.
Six years after threatening to close their Montreal pediatric orthopedic hospital and build a new one in London, Ont., senior Shriners are vowing to stay in Quebec for good.
Glen Yards MUHC: On time and on schedule
The Suburban, October 12 2011 -- Following their conspicuous absence during a recent information session held to discuss traffic issues around the Glen Yards construction site, senior MUHC Hospital executives held their own press conference after which the City's own assembled media were given their own guided tour through the site. (p.7)
Cedar Ave. clinicproject allowed to die Province declines to intervene
Montrealgazette.com, October 7 2011 -- The Quebec government and the city of Montreal have killed plans by the Montreal General Hospital to build a controversial four-storey complex of medical clinics on Cedar Ave.
A day after The Gazette reported that city executive committee chairman Michael Applebaum rejected the zoning request by the Montreal General, Health Minister Yves Bolduc has decided not to intervene.
Shriners ready to break ground on new $150-million hospital
Montrealgazette.com, October 7 2011 -- After years of uncertainty about the future of the Montreal Shriners Hospital, the Shriners will hold a groundbreaking ceremony next Thursday at the Glen Yard to announce the construction of a $150-million hospital to replace their facility on Mount Royal, The Gazette has learned.
Getting the sick in Accessing the MUHC superhospital may not be easy for those who need it the most
The Mirror, October 6 2011 -- Community organizers from Westmount, NDG and St-Henri are growing impatient as their questions about pedestrian access to the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) Glen Campus, expected to open in 2014, remain unanswered.
Joint Corporate Campaign of the CHUM and the MUHC Foundations - National Bank Provides $8-Million Gift: The Largest in its History
Canada Newswire, October 5 2011 -- National Bank is giving $8 million to the Joint Corporate Campaign of the Fondation du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM) and the McGill University Health Centre Foundation (MUHC). Announced today, the donation will support the Montreal projects' goals of enhancing academic medicine, including research. Both centres will be able to acquire state-of-the-art equipment and create ultramodern facilities so as to better meet current and future healthcare needs.
Patient advocates help bridge the gap
Leader Post, October 1 2011 -- "You have advanced colorectal cancer that has spread to your liver and to your lungs," the oncologist said in a clipped tone. "You don't have much longer left to live."
Mitch Fieldstone (not his real name) had found traces of blood in his stool, and that's why he went to see the doctor. Until then, the retired film executive had never been seriously ill in his life.
"I was totally unprepared for the diagnosis," the 68-year-old Montrealer recalled of that day in July 2010. "I didn't expect I'd have something as advanced as that."
And Fieldstone also didn't expect to suddenly confront the maze that is Quebec's health-care system: the different departments to visit, all the appointments and tests and the cycles of chemotherapy. Worse, he couldn't shake off the nagging suspicion that perhaps he wasn't receiving the best care.
Read more: http://www.leaderpost.com/health/Patient+advocates+help+bridge/5486640/story.html#ixzz1bEerfw7P
Health board elections push for diversity
Montrealgazette.com, October 1 2011 -- What if elections were held across Montreal and virtually nobody showed up to cast a ballot? That’s the challenge facing the city’s 43 health and social service institutions – from hospitals to rehab centres – when elections are held on Nov. 1 to choose members of the public for their boards of directors.
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