Ce BLOG regroupe les informations sur le projet du Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM), surtout des sources mediatiques mais aussi d'autres sources. A resource for groups and residents of neighboorhoods surrounding the Glen Yards site, this BLOG is bilinqual but not translated. Ce BLOG est bilingue mais pas traduit.

February 14, 2007

How will we coordinate the work in three different neighbourhoods?

Governance structure for the Concertation interquartier: The CIQ has opted for a simple structure, with a principle of parity representation on each committee. The project director will have overall responsibility for the project and its management. A steering committee of 12-15 people will meet quarterly with responsibility for overall orientation of the project. Each community and academic partner will have a representative on the committee. Ongoing operations will be managed by a coordinating committee comprised of the director, project coordinator and four members of the steering committee. The project coordinator will keep projects moving forward and have overall responsibility for organization, dissemination and animation of research results, including assuring that training, outreach and dissemination are integral to the project.