Ce BLOG regroupe les informations sur le projet du Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM), surtout des sources mediatiques mais aussi d'autres sources. A resource for groups and residents of neighboorhoods surrounding the Glen Yards site, this BLOG is bilinqual but not translated. Ce BLOG est bilingue mais pas traduit.

February 14, 2007

The Westmount Municipal Association: a profile

The Westmount Municipal Association (WMA) has built an excellent network throughout Westmount and has well-established links with the Westmount Healthy City Project (active for nearly 20 years) and the Contactivity Seniors’ Centre. It has played an effective role in creating awareness of and involvement in local issues that may affect the quality of life of residents. The WMA has brought strong leadership, effective public participation and good political connections to the Inter-neighbourhood Coalition and will continue to draw on these strengths throughout the CURA project. The City of Westmount has adopted a position on the Glen Yards.