Ce BLOG regroupe les informations sur le projet du Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM), surtout des sources mediatiques mais aussi d'autres sources. A resource for groups and residents of neighboorhoods surrounding the Glen Yards site, this BLOG is bilinqual but not translated. Ce BLOG est bilingue mais pas traduit.

May 25, 2011

City, province seek traffic de-snarler

Free Press, May 24th 2011 -- "From the viewpoint of Transport Quebec,spokesperson Réal Grégoire said, despite the initially negative impact from the St.Jacques closure, the provincial network, by ministry standards, is running well enough when considering the multitude of issues around the nearby Turcot interchange." (Read more on pages 3 & 21)

MUHC isn't going to knock it off anytime soon

Free Press, May 24th 2011 -- "Unfortunately for those who are sick of the thumping coming from the Glen Yards construction site, crews aren’t done knocking just yet. Charles Chebl, senior vice president with SNC-Lavalin, announced late June as the new finish date for the main piling process, with the exception of a smaller month-long project slated for August near the Vendôme train station." (Read more on front cover & p.18).

Garbage control rethought for new buildings

The Gazette, May 25th 2011 -- Just like in the Magic Kingdom, a huge amount of trash will be discarded on the Glen campus each day; but the patients, staff and visitors wandering through the halls will be blissfully unaware of where it goes or how it is handled.

May 24, 2011

Public Consultation on New Expansion Project for Montreal General Hospital

CNW Telbec, May 20th 2011 -- The Office de consultation publique de Montréal announces that a public consultation will be held on the new version of the Montréal General Hospital expansion project, as the MUHC is now planning changes requiring the adoption of new legislative amendments. A first draft by-law, subsequently adopted by city council under section 89 of the Montréal Charter, had been the subject of a consultation by the Office in 2008.

Reed Construction Data

Reed Construction Data’s portfolio of products and services includes national, regional and local construction data, building product information, construction cost data, market analytics and advertising channels to construction industry professionals in the US and Canada. Here is a sample project overview for the MUHC - Campus de la montagne project.

Le projet du futur CHUM obtient une cote de crédit inférieure à celui du CUSM

Radio Canada 20 mai, 2011. -- Le projet du nouveau Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM) a obtenu une cote de crédit moins élevée que le futur Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM), mais les coûts assumés par le gouvernement ne devraient pas bondir pour autant.

The CHUM and MUHC Foundations Joint Corporate Campaign - The J. Armand Bombardier Foundation makes the largest healthcare donation in its history $8 M

Alphatrade Finance May 19th 2011 -- "With this donation, the J. Armand Bombardier Foundation acknowledges the importance of our project for our collective future; that of our children and our grandchildren. Construction of the new CHUM, a hospital for the 21st century, and its research centre will contribute to Montreal's position as a leader in life sciences," said Christian Paire, CHUM director general.

Normand Rinfret, associate executive director and chief operating officer of the McGill University Health Centre, expressed his gratitude: "By allocating this historic gift to health and research, the J. Armand Bombardier Foundation is confirming that the way forward for Montreal and Quebec cannot be mapped out without a firm commitment to the life sciences. I applaud the decision of the J. Armand Bombardier Foundation to focus on leadership and innovation in health."

Relaxing, healing green space vital part of MUHC Glen Campus project

The Gazette -- May 17th, 2011. "Patients receiving treatment in the cancer centre will face all the challenges that go with that type of treatment," he said. "The technology and the services at the hospital will be the best available, but the proximity to a healing garden where patients can wander, relax and spend time with loved ones is a means to reduce the stress."

Ville de Montréal : Les faits saillants du comité exécutif du 11 mai 2011

Montréal, CNW Telbec 13 mai, 2011. Infrastructures Le comité exécutif a autorisé les dossiers suivants pour que les citoyens puissent bénéficier d'infrastructures performantes. Ceux-ci doivent être entérinés par le conseil municipal : un contrat de 2,3 M$ $ à Louisbourg SBC, s.e.c., division Simard-Beaudry Construction pour la construction d'un remblai pour la déviation temporaire des voies ferrées du Canadien Pacifique surplombant le boulevard Décarie au nord de la rue Crowley et au sud du boulevard De Maisonneuve dans le cadre du projet du CUSM-Site Glen. Par le fait même, le CE a pris connaissance du rapport de la Commission permanente sur l'examen des contrats sur ce dossier, qui constate la conformité du processus d'appel d'offres tenu dans le cadre de celui-ci.

May 11, 2011

Two lines to carry water

The Gazette, May 10th 2011 -- The network of pipes and drains that will carry water onto the Glen Campus and then ferry away the waste, sewage and runoff will take shape in the coming year and will be expected to handle an enormous amount of input and output daily when the hospital opens in 2014.

May 5, 2011

Major plans for St. Jacques

Actualités 1er avril 2010 -- "The urban planning department for the CDN-NDG borough has begun preliminary studies of the area east of the Décarie Expressway and plans to create a full-fledged development project much like
Publish Post
what is currently being completed at Namur–Jean-Talon."

Mayor, McQueen disagree over growth-stimulating program

Free Press April 26 2011 (page 3) -- Borough mayor Michael Applebaum says PR@M-Industrie will help generate the funding needed for the some $2 billion in infrastructure investment, like this sewer renovation project under Decarie, that is required for the McGill University Hospital Center.

Infrastructure Québec - Centre universitaire de Santé McGill (CUSM)

Infrastructure Québec -- Voici les informations mises enligne sur le projet d'infrastructure publique du Centre universitaire de Santé McGill (CUSM). Vous y retrouverai entre autre l'entente de partenariat entre le CUSM, SNC-Lavalin McGill (Associé) Inc. et Innisfree McGill (Associé) Inc., ces deux dernières faisant affaires en société en nom collectif sous le nom de Groupe Immobilier Santé McGill, S.E.N.C.

CHUM et CUSM: les syndicats craignent la privatisation des services alimentaires

Cyberpresse.ca 14 avril 2011 -- Les employés craignent que les services alimentaires des futurs hôpitaux universitaires (CHUM et CUSM) soient privatisés. On voit ici un plateau préparé dans les cuisines de l'Hôpital général de Montréal.

Montreal's skyline is punctuated by cranes. Who commissioned them?

The Gazette April 28th 2011 -- McGill University Hospital Centre (MUHC) and the Centre hospitalier de l'université de Montréal (CUSM) continue to be headliners of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal.